Pondering Amir Motlagh’s 2018 MAN in 2021

Jamie Toth, The Somewhat Cyclops
4 min readDec 13, 2021
Poster for MAN by Amir Mortlagh — Image used with Permission.

Amir Motlagh’s MAN is a beautifully shot, prescient meditation on the nature of the human experience and of connectedness in increasingly disconnected times. The film moves through a mantra of daily activities before accelerating towards an emotionally impactful ending. I’m going to admit I wasn’t expecting to emotionally connect with this film the way I did, but the impact of the movie left me in tears, grateful for the experience.

It’s hard for me to express just how important I think its message is. COVID has taught us all the challenges of isolation, interaction — and, seemingly paradoxically, isolated interaction — and MAN is adept at showing the profound absurdity of it. I’ve been thinking about what, exactly, to say about this movie after sitting with it. I don’t know how to talk about how or why it moved me without getting into particulars, and I don’t think that fits with the entire spirit of the film. The longer I’ve pondered it, the more the themes and imagery have expanded in my mind, and trying to pin them down would be foolish.

Some stories are in the experiencing.

Establish the technology in nature themes early. Lovely shot from MAN by Amir Motlagh. Image used with Permission.

